3 de octubre del 2019
Seminar: Making Thinking Visible

Every classroom communicates to students a story of what learning actually iswhat it feels like, what it looks like, and how it works to develop lasting understanding. All too often though classrooms often become settings of “just getting through the work” and fail to engage students in a rich experience of learning. Sadly, classrooms become places of work-compliance rather than places where students become better thinkers and learners to serve them well in our complex world.

For a number of years, the Harvard University Project Zero Making Thinking Visible team have questioned: Just how can classrooms and schools become rich cultures of thinking for learners, both students and teachers, and what difference does it make for their learning?  This question of creating a culture of thinking is not an easy one to answer. 

Thinking, by its very nature, is invisible – it happens inside one’s mind. The idea of making thinking visible then helps make explicit what a thought-FULL classroom culture might look like through the use of routines, paying attention to language, creating opportunities for thinking, etc. 

In learning contexts where educators strive to shift towards a more thoughtfully engaged culture, teachers start to ask of themselves: What kinds of thinking are students making use of in order to deepen understanding? Are there opportunities for my students to develop and explain their theories with one another? What kind of creative solutions do my students construct? How do I invite students to debate the complexities of a plan or issue?

When teachers focus on questions such as these about the learning environments they create, students are more likely to show commitment to their learning, find more meaningful connections between school and outside life and display the attitudes we most want to see in our learners– open-mindedness, curiosity, appropriate skepticism, and a thirst for wanting to understand.

This seminar is designed to help educators consider the power of making student thinking a prominent feature of the class culture. We will focus on routines that promote exploration of big ideas and concepts, engaging with one another and routines that encourage self-direction and taking action on behalf of the students. Those participating will have opportunities for collaboration and reflection with other colleagues striving to enact powerful stories of learning in their own teaching contexts. Participants will consider concrete strategies, tools, and pictures of practice to broaden their own vision of what a new story of learning might be and how it might be achieved through creating a culture of thinking.

The seminar will be facilitated by Mark Church, consultant with Harvard Project Zero’s Making Thinking Visible and Cultures of Thinking initiatives worldwide. Together with Ron Ritchhart, Mark is co-author of the book Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners (Jossey-Bass, 2011) and the upcoming book, The Power of Making Thinking Visible (Jossey-Bass, release date 2020).

Mark Church works with educators throughout the world striving to create cultures of thinking in their classrooms and schools. Mark encourages teachers to make their classroom environments rich with the documents of student thinking processes. 

Practical information

When? We offer two different seminars in three different schedules:

The weekday seminar consists of two sessions on two consecutive days (8 hours total):

October, Thursday 3 and Friday 4:

      • Morning seminar: 8:00 a. m. – 12:00 p.m.  
      • Evening seminar: 1:00 p. m. – 5:00 p. m.

         Fee: $200* – $250

The Saturday seminar is a shorter version of the weekday seminar (6 hours total):

October, Saturday 5:

      • 8: 00 a.m. – 2 p.m.

           Fee: *$150 – $200

Fees include seminar materials, coffee breaks and lunch for the afternoon sessions.
*Early Bird until September 3.

*UFM faculty and active UFM members please contact your department or Formación Continua
to learn about discounts and sponsorships.


Sign up here

All registrations are final and non-refundable. Registration is, however, transferable.
If you cannot make it to the event, please find a colleague to attend in your place.

Salón Acton Tocqueville, Universidad Francisco Marroquín

For questions please reach out to formacioncontinua@ufm.edu

Desde el jueves 3 de octubre del 2019 hasta el sábado 5 de octubre del 2019
de 08:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m.
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