


Más técnicas y recursos

Quicklist and Build method

Quick List Method



The “Quick List Method” is a brainstorming tool that collects group input in a quick manner.

Brainstorming creates a framework for all members to share their ideas and to generate a list of items for further discussion or to display in the room.

Brainstorming is meant to be an engaging, creative process for groups to gather and capture their ideas on a wide-range of subjects. It can serve as an easy way to engage a group in a discussion. It is a great icebreaker in the beginning of class or event.



  • to create the norms of conduct of your class: Ask “What could turn this class into a total disaster?” Then you turn it into the positive. (people can do it on a T-chart)
  • to learn about interests or previous knowledge about a topic
  • to review topics from last class and see what stuck
  • to review topics at the end of the class
  • to get a range of questions people have about topic
  • to activate knowledge about a topic



  • Ask a relatively simple question
  • Have group divide up into groups around a flipchart
  • Ask the team to pick a scribe and a presenter
  • Ask them to generate as many ideas as they can in 2 minutes
  • Ask them to put a title on top of the chart so that we know what the chart is about when we expose in the space later on
  • Ask people to not judge the ideas
  • Ask participants to report to the bigger group


Note: this exercise is easier and more fun in the negative, especially as an icebreaker. Then you can turn it into the positive.


Instructions for the participants

  • In table teams / groups of (5)
  • On a flipchart quick list all …
  • Put the title on your flipchart.
  • Pick a scribe and a presenter.
  • You have 2 minutes! Go!


For the facilitator

  • After a group presents, ask for a round of applause.
  • If you are working in the negative, ask people to draw a big international sign for prohibition through it.
  • Then say: what we have done in the negative, we have goals in the positive: let’s strive for, let’s get rid of… You can comment that it is a funny way to do it in the negative but that it is very serious business.


Examples of questions:

  • How can this organization (PTSA, school board, teacher, student….) fail?
  • What could turn this event / year a complete disaster?
  • What do bad teachers / students do?
  • How could your students derail their learning?
  • List all of the worst student behaviors and actions you can think of….

Build Method (use together with the quick list)


  • As the first group reports out, have the subsequent groups check off the exact ideas with the intention they will not repeat them
  • Have the presenter only present the new ideas
  • Subsequent boards continue to check off
  • Report only new ideas to the bigger group
  • At the end of the presentation, it is much easier to see what elements are complementing and to compile one single list: all the items that are not checked off.